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Announcing My Next Public Online Workshop: May 11 – 13

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A group of workshop attendees raising their hands to participate and engage with Dan.

I am very excited to announce my next Lean Product Management workshop on May 11 – 13 (rescheduled from Apr 20-22). With covid, I have adapted my workshops to be online.

This workshop is spread out across 3 consecutive days. Each session is around 3 to 3.5 hours long so that you don’t get Zoom fatigue and so you can take care of your work. Plus, this schedule promotes better absorption of the material and gives attendees time to reflect between sessions.

I always make my workshops highly interactive with lots of discussions and Q&A. I also use real-world case studies to illustrate points. And the group exercises make it highly interactive and give you hands-on experience applying the frameworks and techniques.Learn more and RSVP at

Look forward to seeing you there!


Excited to Announce My First Public Online Workshop of 2021: Feb 9 – 11

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I am very excited to announce my next Lean Product Management workshop on Feb 9 – 11. With covid, I have adapted my workshops to be online.

This workshop is spread out across 3 consecutive days. Each session is around 3 to 3.5 hours long so that you don’t get Zoom fatigue and so you can take care of your work. Plus, this schedule promotes better absorption of the material and gives attendees time to reflect between sessions.

I always make my workshops highly interactive with lots of discussions and Q&A. I also use real-world case studies to illustrate points. And the group exercises make it highly interactive and give you hands-on experience applying the frameworks and techniques.

Early bird pricing is currently available.
Learn more and RSVP at

Look forward to seeing you there!


Announcing My Next Public Online Workshop: Nov 9 – 12

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I am very excited to announce my next Lean Product Management workshop on Nov 9 – 12. With covid, I have adapted my workshops to be online.

Based on feedback from attendees, this workshop is 12 hours long spread out across 4 consecutive days. Each session is around 3 hours long so that you don’t get Zoom fatigue and so you can take care of your work. Plus, this schedule promotes better absorption of the material and gives attendees time to reflect between sessions.

I always make my workshops highly interactive with lots of discussions and Q&A. I also use real-world case studies to illustrate points. And the group exercises make it highly interactive and give you hands-on experience applying the frameworks and techniques.

Learn more and RSVP at

Look forward to seeing you there!


Happy World Book Day! Join me in Reddit’s Product Management Book Club

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Happy World Book Day!

I recently learned on Reddit that the Product Management subreddit just started a PM Book Club. In case you didn’t already know, the first rule of PM Book Club is: You DO NOT talk about PM Book Club. Just kidding 🙂

I’m excited that the PM Book Club voted to select my book The Lean Product Playbook as their first book to read and review together. I plan to do some events with them and they’ve set up a Slack channel you can join.

Learn more and join the Reddit’s Product Management Book Club.
See you there?

The Top Product Conferences of 2019

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It’s an exciting time to work in product management. Product management continues to be one of the hottest jobs. It seems like everyone wants to become a product manager these days (even some of our developer and designer friends).

If you’re a product manager, you know how rewarding the job can be – and how challenging. To stay on top of your PM game, you need to invest time to sharpen your skills. Conferences are a great way to do that by learning from thought leaders and your peers.

As a conference speaker, I make it a point to keep track of the product conferences that are happening. Wait, what’s that? You’re too busy product managing to research them all? Don’t worry, I got your back. So just take a break from that Jira board, sit back, and relax.

Now, conference season doesn’t usually start until the spring, so I usually publish my list before any of them start. But this year some people just couldn’t wait to have their conferences. And I was very busy the first part of the year, so I’m publishing my list a bit later than usual this time around.

Each year, there are more product conferences than the year before, which is very exciting. Would you believe my list this year has 30 conferences on it? That’s up from 21 from my list last year, which is over 40% growth!

Here’s your guide to the top product conferences of 2019 (in chronological order):

February 7 – 8: Mind the Product Engage, Manchester – Mind the Product has expanded beyond their two large annual conferences to offer additional events (lucky for us!). See Singapore and Hamburg below. Learn more at

March 25 – 26: Mind the Product, Singapore – It’s great to see Mind the Product expand into Asia for the first time. Learn more at

April 10-12: Atlassian Summit, Las Vegas – Product people around the world all use Jira, Trello, and Confluence from Atlassian every day. The Atlassian Summit is a great conference to compare notes and improve how you use those tools. I had a great time speaking there this year. Learn more at

April 15 – 17: Industry Europe, Dublin – Industry is a great conference organized by Product Collective. They’ve consistently grown their main conference in Cleveland. Last year, they decided to expand to Europe for the first time, so this will be their second conference in Dublin. Half-day workshops are offered on the first day (I’ll be teaching one), followed by 2 days of conference. I’m excited to speak there. Learn more at

April 23: ProductCon, San Francisco – Product School entered the product conference circuit last year with 4 events in San Francisco, Silicon Valley, Los Angeles, and New York (I had a great time speaking at 2 of them). They’re back again with 4 conferences this year, and their first conference is in San Francisco. Learn more at

May 9: ProductCraft, San Francisco – Pendo hosted a new all-day product conference at the Palace of Fine Arts. The crowd was very engaged, and I had a great time speaking there. Learn more at

May 22 – 24: Gainsight’s Pulse Conference, San Francisco – Gainsight’s Pulse conference has grown over the years and was over 5,000 people this year (in the Moscone Center). It was great to speak there (brought back fond memories of O’Reilly’s Web 2.0 Expo that used to be held there).

May 22 – 24: Mind the Product Engage, Hamburg – This was the third time Mind the Product has held their Engage event in Hamburg. Learn more at

March 25: Product Camp Silicon Valley, Santa Clara – Organized by SVPMA, Product Camp Silicon Valley is the longest-running Product Camp. I always enjoy speaking there. There are volunteer-driven Product Camps all over the world. To find Product Camps near you, check out

June 6 – 7: Front Case Study Conference, Salt Lake City – Front has been hosting product & UX conferences that look pretty good twice a year for a few years now (more on their annual Workshop event below). Learn more at

June 17 – 18: PM Festival Singapore – Another product conference in Asia. Learn more at

June 25: ProductCon, Seattle – Product School entered the product conference circuit last year with 4 events in San Francisco, Silicon Valley, Los Angeles, and New York. They’re back again with 4 conferences this year, and their first conference is in San Francisco. Learn more at

July 15 – 16: Mind The Product, San Francisco – MTP San Francisco is always a fantastic event, put on by Martin Eriksson, James Mayes, Simon Cast, Janna Bastow and the rest of the awesome MTP team. The organizers curate the world’s top product speakers for a 1-day, single track conference. The venue, Davies Symphony Hall, is impressive (and the seats are comfy). And they throw a rockin’ afterparty to boot. Don’t miss the chance to hang out with 1,600 of your soon-to-be closest product pals. I had a great time giving a talk there last year. The day before the main conference, Mind the Product offers great all-day workshops (I’ll be teaching one) and a special invite-only all-day event for product leaders. Learn more at

August 7 – 8: Traction, Vancouver – The Traction conference may not be on your radar, but it should be, especially if your product is transitioning to the growth stage. This is their seventh year in a row, and they’re adding a Product track the day before the main conference that I’m hosting. Organizers Lloyed Lobo and Ray Walia always plan a great conference with fun networking events. Plus, Vancouver is gorgeous in August. Learn more at

August 15 – 16: ConveyUX, Boston – The ConveyUX conference has been held in Seattle for a few years now and is expanding to Boston for the first time. I look forward to speaking there. Learn more at

September 9 – 11: Pendomonium, Raleigh, North Carolina – Pendo’s product helps product managers better understand their users. Pendo threw their first Pendomonium conference 2 years ago. They’re back again this year with a two-day conference. In talking with the organizers, it sounds like they try to give attendees a taste of Raleigh plus a dose of southern hospitality. Learn more at

September 10: ProductCon New York – Product School is back in NYC again this year. Learn more at

September 19: Product Leader Summit, Silicon Valley – I am one of the organizers of the Product Leader Summit, which has featured top speakers like Reid Hoffman, Aaron Levie, and product execs from Facebook, Slack, and Tesla. This year’s summit, hosted by Spero Ventures, will be a similar event with top speakers and a curated audience of around 120 product leaders (the event is by invitation only; everyone has to apply to attend). View talks from past summits and learn more at

September 23 – 25: Industry Global, Cleveland – Organized by Product Collective, this 2-day conference has been growing every year. In fact, they expanded to Dublin, Irelend, this year (see above). Organizers Mike Belsito, Paul McAvinchey, and Rebecca Feliciano do a great job bringing together lots of awesome speakers and PMs from all over. There is also an optional workshop day. Learn more at

September 28: Product Camp Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – It’s great to see a new Product Camp emerge! This will be their 2nd year in a row at Carnegie Mellon University, which offers a new MS in Product Management degree. I’ve enjoyed getting to know organizer Greg Coticchia, and it promises to be a good event. I’m excited to give the keynote talk. See yinz there? Learn more at

October 7 – 8: Amplify by Amplitude, San Francisco – Leading analytics company Amplitude hosted their first all-day product conference last year and they’re back again this year. Amplitude knows how to throw high-quality product events, so it should be good. Learn more at

October 17 – 18: MTP London – The Big Kahuna of product conferences. Mix and mingle with 1,600 other product people at London’s Barbican Centre as you learn from world-class product speakers at this single-track conference. As they would say in Hollywood, this conference has high production value. There is also an optional workshop day beforehand. Keep calm, carry on, and be sure to RSVP quickly when tickets go on sale: they usually sell out in less time than your average stand-up. Learn more at

October 17: Leading the Product, Melbourne, & Oct 22 Sydney – Do you like product conferences? Have you been looking for a good reason to visit Australia? Brainmates puts on a great set of Leading the Product conferences in Melbourne and Sydney. I had a great time speaking there. The Brainmates team knows how to put on a great event that creates a sense of community with top speakers, enthusiastic attendees, and great venues. Learn more at

October 23 – 25: Lean Startup Conference, San Francisco – If you’ve never been to the Lean Startup Conference in San Francisco, you may not know that it’s largely a product management conference. As a Lean Startup Co. Senior Faculty member, I’ve spoken at this conference several times. Most of the people I meet there are product managers, which makes sense because we’re the ones responsible for achieving product-market fit (those hypotheses aren’t going to test themselves). Learn more at

November 5: ProductCon Los Angeles – Product School is back in Los Angeles again this year. Learn more at

November 6 – 7: Front Workshop Series, Salt Lake City – Front has been hosting product and UX conferences that look pretty good twice a year for a few years now. This Workshop event lets you choose your own 6 workshops out of 20 total over 2 days. I’m excited to check it out as I’ll be speaking there for the first time. Learn more at

November 12 – 13: Women in Product, Burlingame – Last year, Women in Product grew their annual conference to over 1,000 attendees. I plan to teach a workshop there. Learn more about this year’s event at

November 13 – 14: PM Festival Zurich, Switzerland – This conference in Zurich, Switzerland, has been running for several years. I’ve never been, but you can learn more at

November 21 – 22: Productized, Lisbon – André Marquet and his team put on a wonderful conference. I had a great time speaking there. The 2-day conference is chock full of great product speakers from around the world, and there’s an optional workshop day. Plus, Lisbon is an awesome city: do you really need an excuse to visit? Learn more at

So, what do you think? Is that a lot of product conferences or what? Hopefully you found one or more from my list that you’re excited to attend.

Wait, what’s that? You’re still looking for more great product events? Okay, okay, I’ve got one more product event for you.

Lean Product (monthly in Silicon Valley) – If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area or are visiting, I invite you to check out my monthly Lean Product event in Mountain View. I founded it over 5 years ago and we’ve grown to over 8,000 members.

One evening a month, I host the same world-class speakers who speak at the conferences I listed above. My speakers are experts in product management, Lean Startup, UX design, analytics, growth, and marketing, and many of them have written leading books on those subjects. Past speakers include Marty Cagan, Jake Knapp, Geoffrey Moore, Ken Norton, Josh Elman, Laura Klein, Ash Maurya, Nir Eyal, Teresa Torres, Amy Jo Kim, Tony Ulwick, Hiten Shah, and Steve Portigal. Learn more at

You’re still here? Your thirst for knowledge is insatiable! You should definitely check out the Product Decoded podcast, then. Produced by 3 of the same folks that bring you the Product Leader Summit (Ha Nguyen, Gib Biddle, and me), Product Decoded features interviews with top product leaders: Aaron Levie from Box, Deb Liu from Facebook, Todd Yellin from Netflix, Michael Sippey from Medium, Chris Abad from UserTesting, Amanda Richardson from HotelTonight, and Justin Bauer from Amplitude. Check out Product Decoded on iTunes.

I hope you found my article helpful. I look forward to seeing you at one or more of these events!

Dan Olsen

Product Management is Hot: There are SO many Product Conferences this Fall!

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Product Management is HOT

Let’s face it: Product Management is blowing up. Listings for PM jobs are through the roof. Another indicator is the number product management conferences and events, which I like to track. When I write my annual article listing the top product events, the list grows every year. When I wrote my last article back in April, there were 21 product conferences on my list for 2018. Since then, many more new events have been scheduled. It seems that Fall is the most popular time to hold product events 🙂 Conferences are a great way to grow your skills, compare notes with fellow product people, and grow your network. So here is an updated list of product events (20 of them!) for the rest of the year. Hope to see you at some of them!

October 1 – 3: Industry Global, Cleveland – I spoke at the Industry conference in Cleveland last year and really enjoyed it. Organized by Product Collective, this 2-day conference has been growing every year. In fact, they expanded to Dublin, Ireland, this year. Organizers Mike Belsito and Paul McAvinchey do a great job bringing together lots of awesome speakers and PMs from all over. There is also an optional workshop day. Learn more at

October 2: Decisions by Split, San Francisco – It’s great to see more companies hosting product management conferences. Split has a great product that enables feature flags and experimentation. I’m excited to be speaking at their first PM conference Decisions. Tickets to this event are actually free, so get one while you can! Learn more at

October 9: Amplify by Amplitude, San Francisco – Leading analytics company Amplitude is hosting their first all-day product conference. They’ve thrown a lot of high quality product events in the past, so I have high expectations for this conference. Learn more at

October 11: Lean Product Meetup, Mountain View – Lean Product is the monthly product speaker series that I host at Intuit. For October, I’ll be hosting former VP of Product Gib Biddle who will share advice on Customer Obsession: How to Delight Your Customers Like Netflix. Learn more at

October 18 – 19: MTP London – The Big Kahuna of product conferences. Mix and mingle with 1,600 other product people at London’s Barbican Centre as you learn from world-class product speakers at this single-track conference. As they would say in Hollywood, this conference has high production value. There is also an optional workshop day beforehand. I’ll be giving an all-day workshop there. Keep calm, carry on, and be sure to RSVP quickly when tickets go on sale: they usually sell out in less time than your average stand-up. Learn more at

October 18: Leading the Product, Melbourne, & Oct 23 Sydney – Do you like product conferences? Have you been looking for a good reason to visit Australia? Brainmates puts on a great set of Leading the Product conferences in Melbourne and Sydney, just a few days apart so you can attend both. I had a great time speaking there in 2016. The Brainmates team knows how to put on a great event that creates a sense of community with top speakers, enthusiastic attendees, and great venues. Learn more at

October 19: ProductCon LA – Product School is throwing 4 product conferences this year. They already held conferences in SF, Silicon Valley, and NYC. They are holding their first product conference in Los Angeles. Learn more at

October 24: Lean Product Management Workshop, San Francisco – Each year, I teach 1 or 2 all-day public workshops in San Francisco where I share advice from my book The Lean Product Playbook. These workshops are highly interactive with lots of case studies, discussion and class exercises. Early bird pricing is available through Sep 28th. Learn more at

October 29 – 31: Impact PM Conference, Budapest, Hungary – It’s great to see new PM conferences sprouting up in more countries.

November 1: Empower B2B PM Conference, San Francisco – This conference focuses on B2B product management. I’m looking forward to speaking there and checking it out for the first time. Learn more at

November 1 – 2: Productized, Lisbon – André Marquet and his team put on a wonderful conference. I had a great time speaking there last year. The 2-day conference is chock full of great product speakers from around the world, and there’s an optional workshop day. Plus, Lisbon is an awesome city: do you really need an excuse to visit? Learn more at

November 8: Lean Product Meetup, Mountain View – Lean Product is the monthly product speaker series that I host at Intuit. For November, I’ll be hosting Barry O’Reilly, author of Lean Enterprise. He’ll be sharing advice from his upcoming new book Unlearnand we’ll be giving away free copies to the first 100 attendees. Learn more at

November 15: Product Leader Summit, Redwood City – I am one of the organizers of unique conference designed specifically for Product Leaders (i.e., CPOs, VPs, and Directors). Our inaugural Product Leader Summit featured top speakers like Reid Hoffman, Aaron Levie, and product execs from Facebook, Slack, and Tesla. This year’s summit, sponsored by Spero Ventures, will be a similar event with top speakers and a curated audience of around 120 product leaders (the event is by invitation only; everyone has to apply to attend). View talks from past summits, learn more, and apply at

November 16: Product Management Workshop, Redwood City – In conjunction with the Product Leader Summit, Gib Biddle and I are teaching a set of back-to-back half-day workshops the next day. I’ll be sharing advice on Lean Product Management and Gib will be sharing advice on How to Hack Your Product Career. Learn more at

November 14 – 16: Lean Startup Conference, Las Vegas – If you’ve never been to the Lean Startup Conference, you may not know that it’s largely a product management conference. As a Lean Startup Co. Senior Faculty member, I’ve spoken at this conference several times. Most of the people I’ve met there were product managers, which makes sense because we’re the ones responsible for achieving product-market fit (those hypotheses aren’t going to test themselves). Historically held in San Francisco, the conference is moving to Las Vegas for the first time this year. Learn more at

November 14 – 15: PM Festival, Zurich, Switzerland – This conference in Zurich, Switzerland, has been running for several years. I haven’t had a chance to check it out yet, but you can learn more at

November 27  28: Open Mobile Summit, Burlingame – This 2 day conference focuses on mobile products. I’m excited to speak there and check it out for the first time. Learn more at

November 30: AgileCamp SF – Up your Agile game at AgileCamp SF, held at the Mission Bay Conference Center. I look forward to speaking there. Learn more at

December 5 – 6: Product Camp Brazil, São Paulo – I haven’t been, but this event is billed as South America’s largest product conference (it’s great to see product management conferences expanding to more countries). Learn more at

December 11  12: Growth Marketing Conference, San Francisco – This conference run by Vasil Azarov has had a successful track record for several years now. It’s back again in SF this December. It’s a marketing conference that’s focused on growth, and given the overlap between growth and product, many of the talks are relevant to product managers. I am excited to be speaking there again. Learn more at

So there you have it: 20 product events between now and the end of Fall. I’m looking forward to speaking at 9 of them. If we’re at the same event, please say hi: look forward to seeing you out there!


Mastering the Problem Space at Mind the Product San Francisco

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Dan Olsen at Mind The Product San Francisco
I had a great time speaking at Mind the Product San Francisco to over 1,600 product people at Davies Symphony Hall. I was excited to share advice from my book The Lean Product Playbook on how to master the problem space to achieve product-market fit. Here are my slides. I’ll share the video of my talk once it’s available. You can check out other talks I’ve given on my Speaking page. And you can sign up for my email list if you’d like to receive updates from me.

The Top Product Conferences of 2018

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It’s an exciting time to work in product management. Product management has recently grown to become one of the hottest jobs. It seems like everyone wants to become a product manager these days. We’ve certainly come a long way since I was a PM padawan. Isn’t it great not having to explain to people the difference between a product manager and a project manager? (ok, maybe this still happens every once in a while).

If you’re a product manager, you know how rewarding the job can be – and how challenging. Top product managers know that to stay on top of your PM game, you need to invest time to sharpen your skills. Conferences are a great way to do that by learning from thought leaders and your peers. Quick question: how many product conferences can you think of off the top of your head?

I enjoy speaking at product conferences. As a conference speaker, I make it a point to keep track of the major product conferences that are happening. And this year, there are more product conferences than ever before. What if I told you there were over 20 product conferences this year? Would that blow your mind?

Wait, what’s that? You’re too busy product managing to research them all? Don’t worry, I got your back. So just close that Slack window, sit back, and relax. Here’s your guide to the top 21 product conferences of 2018 that you don’t want to miss (in chronological order).

Now, conference season doesn’t usually start until the spring, so I usually publish my list before any of them start. But this year some people just couldn’t wait. Believe it or not we’ve already had 4 product conferences this year.

January 18: Product Leader Summit New York City – I’m excited to be one of the organizers of the Product Leader Summit, a special conference designed for product leaders (VPs and directors). This was our second summit and our first time in NYC. We held our first Product Leader Summit last May in Redwood City, California. You can watch the videos of our awesome speakers at

You can definitely tell there are way more PM conferences than there used to be when two of them happen to fall on the same dates:

March 20 – 21: ProductCon San Francisco & Silicon Valley – Product School, which offers training to people who want to break into product management, has been growing quickly over the last two years. This year, they are putting on their first product conference, launching in not one but four locations. The first one was in San Francisco, followed by Silicon Valley the next day. I spoke at both events and thought they were great. You can check out the videos to see for yourself. See below for their New York and Los Angeles conferences.

March 20 – 21: PendomoniumRaleigh, North Carolina – Pendo’s product helps product managers better understand their users. Pendo threw their first Pendomonium conference last year: a mix of a product conference and a user conference. They’re back again this year with a two-day conference. In talking with the organizers, it sounds like they try to give attendees a taste of Raleigh plus a dose of southern hospitality. I hope to check out Pendomonium next year. Learn more at

March 31: Product Camp Silicon Valley, Santa Clara – Organized by SVPMA, Product Camp Silicon Valley is the longest-running Product Camp. This year’s talks were recorded and should be published soon. There are volunteer-driven Product Camps all over the world. To find Product Camps near you, check out

Okay, with those 4 out of the way, here are the top product conferences that are coming up in 2018:

April 19 – 20: MTP Engage Hamburg, Germany – Most of you have probably heard of Mind the Product (MTP) already, but in case you haven’t, they put on the world’s largest product conferences in London and San Francisco. They’re recently expanded to Hamburg with a different event format called MTP Engage. There are two tracks for the conference day as well as a pre-conference workshop day. Learn more at

April 23 – 24: Industry Europe, Dublin – Industry is a great conference organized by Product Collective. They’ve been steadily growing their main conference in Cleveland for 3 years now and have decided to expand to Europe for the first time. The first morning is a half-day workshop, followed by one and a half days of conference. Learn more at

June 18 – 19, PM Festival Singapore – PM Festival has always held their annual conference in Zurich. This year, they are expanding to Singapore for the first time. Learn more at

July 16 – 17: Mind The Product SF – MTP San Francisco is always a fantastic event, put on by Martin Eriksson, James Mayes, Simon Cast, Janna Bastow and the rest of the awesome MTP team. The organizers curate the world’s top product speakers for a 1-day, single track conference. The venue, Davies Symphony Hall, is impressive (and the seats are comfy). And they throw a rockin’ afterparty to boot. Don’t miss the chance to hang out with 1,600 of your soon-to-be closest product pals. I’m excited to be giving a talk there this year. The day before the main conference, Mind the Product offers great all-day workshop and a special invite-only all-day event for product leaders. I’ll see you there! Learn more at

July 20: ProductCon NYC – Product School is holding their first product conference in New York City. Learn more at

August 8 – 9: Traction, Vancouver – The Traction conference may not be on your radar, but it should be, especially if your product is transitioning to the growth stage. Many of the talks are focused on growth and marketing, but there’s a fair degree of overlap with product. Organizers Lloyed Lobo and Ray Walia always plan a great conference with fun networking events. Plus, Vancouver is gorgeous in August. Learn more at

September 7: Women in Product, Burlingame  Last year, Women in Product grew their annual conference to over 1,000 attendees.

October 1 – 3 Industry Global, Cleveland – I spoke at the Industry conference in Cleveland last year and really enjoyed it. Organized by Product Collective, this 2-day conference has been growing every year. In fact, they expanded to Dublin, Irelend, this year (see above). Organizers Mike Belsito and Paul McAvinchey do a great job bringing together lots of awesome speakers and PMs from all over. There is also an optional workshop day. Learn more at

October 18 – 19: MTP London – The Big Kahuna of product conferences. Mix and mingle with 1,600 other product people at London’s Barbican Centre as you learn from world-class product speakers at this single-track conference. As they would say in Hollywood, this conference has high production value. There is also an optional workshop day beforehand. I’ll be giving an all-day workshop there. Keep calm, carry on, and be sure to RSVP quickly when tickets go on sale: they usually sell out in less time than your average stand-up. Learn more at

October 18: Leading the Product, Melbourne, & Oct 23 Sydney  Do you like product conferences? Have you been looking for a good reason to visit Australia? Brainmates puts on a great set of Leading the Product conferences in Melbourne and Sydney, just a few days apart so you can attend both. I had a great time speaking there in 2016. The Brainmates team knows how to put on a great event that creates a sense of community with top speakers, enthusiastic attendees, and great venues. Learn more at

October 19: ProductCon LA  Product School is holding their first product conference in Los Angeles. Learn more at

November 1 – 2: Productized, Lisbon – André Marquet and his team put on a wonderful conference. I had a great time speaking there last year. The 2-day conference is chock full of great product speakers from around the world, and there’s an optional workshop day. Plus, Lisbon is an awesome city: do you really need an excuse to visit? Learn more at

November 15: Product Leader Summit, Silicon Valley  I was one of the organizers of last year’s inaugural Product Leader Summit, which featured top speakers like Reid Hoffman, Aaron Levie, and product execs from Facebook, Slack, and Tesla. This year’s summit, sponsored by Spero Ventures, will be a similar event with top speakers and a curated audience of around 120 product leaders (the event is by invitation only; everyone has to apply to attend). View talks from past summits and sign up for the email list to be notified at

November (date TBD): Lean Startup Conference, San Francisco – If you’ve never been to the Lean Startup Conference in San Francisco, you may not know that it’s largely a product management conference. As a Lean Startup Co. Senior Faculty member, I’ve spoken at this conference several times. Most of the people I’ve met there were product managers, which makes sense because we’re the ones responsible for achieving product-market fit (those hypotheses aren’t going to test themselves). The conference itself is 2 days of great speakers sharing case studies and advice. There’s also a workshop day. If that’s still not enough for you, you can go all-in with a ticket for the whole Lean Startup Week. Learn more at

November 14 – 15, PM Festival Zurich, Switzerland  This conference in Zurich, Switzerland, has been running for several years. I haven’t had a chance to check it out yet, but you can learn more at

So, what do you think? Is that a lot of product conferences or what? Hopefully you found one or more from my list that you’re excited to attend.

Wait, what’s that? You’re still looking for more great product events? Okay, okay, I’ve got one more product event for you.

Lean Product (monthly in Silicon Valley) – If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area or are visiting, I invite you to check out my monthly Lean Product event in Mountain View. I founded it 4 years ago and we’ve grown to over 6,600 members.

One evening a month, I host the same world-class speakers who speak at the conferences I listed above. My speakers are experts in product management, Lean Startup, UX design, analytics, and marketing, and many of them have written leading books on those subjects. Past speakers include Marty Cagan, Geoffrey Moore, Ken Norton, Josh Elman, Laura Klein, Ash Maurya, Nir Eyal, Teresa Torres, Rich Mironov, Amy Jo Kim, Tony Ulwick, Hiten Shah, and Steve Portigal.

Our next Lean Product event is Apr 19th: design expert and author Tracy Osborn will be teaching “Design for Non-Designers”. Come join us for dinner, an amazing speaker, and great conversation. Learn more at

If you can’t make our April 19th event, you can join the Lean Product meetup group (it’s free) to be notified about future events.

You’re still here? Your thirst for knowledge is insatiable! You should definitely check out the Product Decoded podcast, then. Produced by the same folks that bring you the Product Leader Summit (Ha Nguyen, Gib Biddle, and me), Product Decoded features interviews with top product leaders. So far we’ve released episodes with Deb Liu from Facebook and Chris Abad from UserTesting. Soon we’ll be publishing episodes with Aaron Levie from Box, Todd Yellin from Netflix, Michael Sippey from Medium, Sarah Bernard from, and Justin Bauer from Amplitude (with even more to come). Subscribe to Product Decoded on iTunes to receive the new episodes as they’re released.

I hope you found my article helpful. I look forward to seeing you at one or more of these events!


Seven Deadly Products Habits to Avoid

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At November’s Lean Product & Lean UX Silicon Valley meetup, Dan Olsen welcomed serial entrepreneur and Lean Startup expert Hiten Shah. Hiten co-founded CrazyEgg, KISSmetrics, and Quick Sprout; he’s also an active investor and advisor.

Hiten cautioned against seven deadly product behaviors he’s experienced and observed as a founder and advisor. Fortunately, Hiten shared how (and why) to practice seven habits for successful product prioritization. Improve your product team’s effectiveness and check out Hiten’s presentation below.

Seven Habits For Successful Product Prioritization:

  1. Create whatever comes to mind. Start with research.
  2. Be a lone wolf. Make lots of friends.
  3. Chase shiny objects. Know what’s important.
  4. Satay in your own bubble. Always know the alternatives.
  5. Keep everyone in the dark. Sharing is caring.
  6. Assume you’re right, always. Believe you’re wrong.
  7. Chaos rules. Rinse and repeat.

Hiten Shah’s Presentation:

You can access a copy of Hiten’s slides here.

For more great content and tips from Hiten, visit You can also follow Hiten on Twitter at @hnshah.

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Why I’m Excited for the Industry Product Conference in Cleveland

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I’m heading to Cleveland, Ohio, to give a workshop and a keynote talk at the Industry Product Conference. This will be my first time participating in this conference, and I’m really looking forward to it! In case you aren’t familiar with the Industry conference, I wanted to share why I’m excited to participate.

I really like the format of the conference. The main conference is two days long (Thursday and Friday), so it’s going to be chock full of great PM advice. It’s a single-track conference, with each morning and afternoon focused on one of four topics: ideation, design, development, and growth. As if that wasn’t enough, there’s also an optional workshop day on Wednesday. There are three half-day workshops to choose from and they start at 1 pm, which gives you plenty of time to settle in after your travels. Industry limits the workshop size to 40 people to ensure they are highly engaging and interactive.

There’s also plenty of time baked into the schedule to meet and compare notes with your fellow product people (aka “PM Therapy”). There’s an early registration party Wednesday night for workshop attendees and anyone else who’s in town the night before. After the conference on Thursday, there’s a happy hour at the conference venue followed by a party at the Hofbräuhaus. Party on, Wayne!

Industry is a fast-growing product conference now in its third year. In my experience I’ve found that, just like most Microsoft products, it usually takes a conference until Version 3 to hit its stride. They expect over 600 attendees at this year’s conference. Industry earned a place on my list of the Top 10 Product Conferences of 2017 (which I published earlier this year).

Many product conferences in the United States tend to be in the San Francisco Bay Area. So it’s nice to see a product conference in a new city: Cleveland, Ohio. I’m personally excited to head back to the Midwest because I studied at Northwestern University. I’ve heard great things about Cleveland and look forward to checking it out. The city has a rich musical history, including the Cleveland Public Auditorium where the conference will be held. It will be pretty cool to give a keynote speech from the same stage that the Beatles played on back in 1964. The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Chuck Berry, Ray Charles, and many more talented musicians played there. Cleveland is also home to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Industry is organized by Product Collective, and I really like what they are doing. They have a deep understanding of and passion for product management. Product Collective has created an impressive collection of resources for product people. In addition to their annual Industry conference, they:

  • Write their Product Brief blog articles and weekly curated email newsletter
  • Run a Slack channel with over 3,000 product people
  • Host regular Product Lunch webinars
  • Publish their Build Launch Scale podcast. I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Mike Belsito for their first episode.

Last but not least, I am grateful to the organizing team. Believe it or not, Product Collective and Industry are run by a small but talented team of just three people: Mike Belsito, Paul McAvinchey, and Rebecca Feliciano. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to organize a conference for 600 people. So be sure to give them a well-earned “thank you” if you run into them at Industry.

If this all sounds amazing and you have some serious FOMO right now: don’t worry, there are still a few tickets left if you act fast.

For those about to rock at Industry: we salute you! 🙂 Look forward to seeing you there!